Thursday, March 25, 2010

Implementation, Evaluation and Control

Implementation of Marketing Goals:

Resonance must work as a new company to infiltrate the current market and make a name for itself. Market research must be continually done to define the habits of our target market. As our current target market grows older we must adjust our marketing to include their changing interest as well as include new generations coming in to our target segment. Creating value for our customer continually, giving them reason to reuse our products and hopefully become a habit for most of our customers. Through good customer service with our retailers, we can promote good service to our customers.

Upon start up, managers will closely monitor every stage in the process from production to delivery. Value starts with delivering our promises to our retailers. Promotional items will be sent to every department store as well as free product for those working the fragrance and make-up counters. We want first hand experiences selling the quality of our product. We will monitor sales through store reports to further target our desired market and maximise sales potential. "The best new companies view new-customer attraction as the lauching point for developing and enhancing a long-term relationship."(Lamb/Hair/McDaniel, 7)

Implementation Timetable:

Resonance will be ready for distribution by July 2010. A wholesale website for online ordering will be available by October 2010. By summer 2011 Resonance will hold 4% of the market share for men's fragrances. Each year following Resonance will achieve a 10% gain in sales.

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